The culture of Chinese tea
The characteristics of tea are many. It is a mysterious and harmonious drink, spiritual and material, it gives strength, but also peace.Chinese tea boasts a history of over 4,000 years.It was Yan Di (Emperor Yan ēåø), one of the three mythological rulers of ancient China, who discovered the phenomenal characteristics of this product. Legend has it that he was interested in knowing the medical properties of plants and herbs and that, to achieve this, he used to ingest all kinds of them. One day, during his search, he swallowed a poisonous plant. However, a drop of water from a twig of the tea tree fell into his mouth and, precisely because of its healing properties, this was enough to save his life.I confess that I have always been fascinated by the ancient traditions of Chinese culture and doing some research on the web I found this fantastic store: , you can not imagine the vastness of items : different types of tea , magnificent teapots of...